
Welcome to Year 6

Now that your child is in Year 6, they are the ‘top of the school’ so a key focus of Year 6 is being a role model to others. Year 6 will be important buddies to Year 3 (who will be new to the school) and later in the year – Reception children. Alongside this, each child is expected to take on some extra responsibilities including being an office, library, computer or PE monitor.

We also prioritise developing your child’s independence in preparation for secondary school. We aim to nurture this through encouraging the children to take responsibility for their learning in school and at home, including having the correct equipment and meeting homework deadlines.

Within our year group, there are 3 classes where most teaching and learning happens but we may change classes for maths lessons.

2025 Year 6 Parent Information Evening about SATs and the residential.

Thank you to those who attended the Year 6 Parent Information Evening about SATs and the residential. We have had some very positive feedback and if you have any further questions, then please feel free to contact your class teacher. The presentations are now available here:

Parent SATs Info Evening 2025

Yr6 Camp 2025 Parent Info Evening

A weekly typical timetable

Throughout the year, we have various curriculum weeks and whole school events that occur. Week-to-week, your child’s timetable may vary, but some key elements remain such as daily, morning English and maths lessons. Alongside this, they will have sessions on reading, spelling, grammar, handwriting, PSHE or Circle Time.

In the afternoon, we focus on the wider curriculum and pride ourselves at Elmlea on giving your child a broad and balanced curriculum. Please visit our curriculum pages for more information.

  • PE days are on Monday and Wednesday for all of Year 6.

Things to remember each week

All Year 6 pupils need to remember to:

* Come to school wearing PE kits on their PE days

* Bring in their reading book and to take it home at the end of each day

* To complete weekly homework tasks and submit them by Thursday morning.

* To bring in a water bottle and small pencil case (to be kept in class)

* To ensure all school uniform and other items are clearly labelled with their full name.