Elmlea Junior School
The Dell
Bristol BS9 3UF
Telephone: 0117 377 2266
Email: info@elmleaschools.org.uk
Elmlea Junior School Absence Line: 0117 377 2266, press button 2
(Please note this is an answerphone. All absences should be reported on this number each day your child is unwell)
Elmlea Infant School
Elmlea Avenue
Bristol BS9 3UU
Telephone: 0117 377 2352
Email: info@elmleaschools.org.uk
Elmlea Infant School Absence Line: 0117 377 2352, press button 1
(Please note this is an answerphone. All absences should be reported on this number each day your child is unwell)
Prospective parents: Please see the Notices section on our Homepage for details of upcoming tour dates.