Only prescribed medicine is allowed in school. Non-prescribed medicine is not permitted. Please do not send
your child into school with any medication to take themselves.
For all medication held in school the
School Office must have either:-
- a completed Administration of Temporary Medication form or
- the medical condition and treatment added and approved on your child's Arbor profile. This can be added through your Arbor Parent Portal.
Prescribed medicine requiring three doses a day or less
must be administered by parents at home. In exceptional circumstances, prescribed medicines that need to be
taken four times per day, one dose can be administered, by trained staff. Parents/carers must complete a
‘Administration of Temporary Medication’ form, available from the School Office.
of Temporary Medication form (for prescribed short courses of medication)
To develop their independence and life skills, children should carry
their own asthma inhalers or at least have them nearby in the classroom, either in their school tray or PE
bag. Named Epi-pens are kept in the classroom. A spare epi-pen must be provided to be stored in the School
Office medical cupboard in case of emergency and to be taken on trips. The School has several Asthma
Emergency kits which are stored in the Office and are taken on trips. It is the responsibility of
parents/carers to ensure medication is named and kept up to date. All medication, including inhalers, must
be labelled with the ‘prescription label’, in the box ensuring that the manufacturer’s leaflet is enclosed.
(The pharmacist will label the inhaler, rather than the box if asked.)
If your child has asthma, the
school needs a copy of the latest asthma plan provided at their annual review appointment. This document
needs to be signed by your Doctor or Nurse.
Please refer to the link below for our policy and
procedure for supporting pupils at school with medical needs: