PE Curriculum Map 

PE Skills and Knowledge Document


Our school aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport.
Through good physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We offer a broad curriculum of sports and activities which build on the children’s knowledge and skills as they progress through school. This is also reflected in our active after school programme where children have opportunities to experience a variety of both externally lead and teacher lead clubs throughout the year.
We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave junior school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyle at secondary school and beyond.
We are committed to ensure our competitive school sport programme allows all children the opportunity to be involved in a range of sports and provide a meaningful experience. Through competitive sport we aim to develop skills such as teamwork, leadership, respect and humility in handling success or disappointment. Through these skills we celebrate children’s success in sport both within school and as part of their own individual achievements in order to recognise their dedication and to inspire others.
We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as healthy bodies and will continue to support our children’s well-being.

Implementation/Learning Journey

PE is taught weekly throughout the trust using the GetSet4PE framework. This scheme has been written with careful consideration of the aims of the National Curriculum, to ensure that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical skills as well as developing the whole child.
Each lesson plan has progressive activities that are designed to inspire and engage the children allowing them to explore and develop skills and embed knowledge whilst learning and developing sport specific vocabulary.

The lessons are accompanied by supporting resources including resource cards, skills videos and music. Teaching points appear throughout to help teachers with their subject knowledge and differentiation tasks provide activities with simple changes to appropriately challenge all of the children. 
Together, as subject leads, we have adapted the delivery and activity areas covered in each key stage to allow clear progression and fluidity. This includes adding outdoor adventure activities (OAA)to the year two curriculum to ensure they are embedded with the knowledge and skills needed as they transition into the Junior school. Also, the sports covered in the Junior school have been carefully considered so allow all children to experience both traditional sports as well as niche sports too.

In EYFS and KS1, there is a combination of both specialist sports coaching and teacher led lessons each week. Shine Sports Coaching work with each year group twice a year delivering one lesson per week which allows the children to learn sport specific skills that they will later use when they are given the opportunity to take part in a local community sports tournament. For example, during term one and three of this academic year some children got the chance to use their skills that had been learnt during their PE lessons and Shine coached lessons to take part in a tournament against other schools.

All the teaching delivered by the Shine coaches is cohesive and consistent with the GetSet4PE lessons and covers the objective outcomes from the scheme. When
children are not working with specialist coaches, they will receive a weekly lesson from their class teacher that covers a specific sporting topic. All children will receive an hour of PE every week.

In Years 3 to Years 6, PE is taught weekly by specialist PE coach (provided by Shine) who teaches all the classes one lesson per week for 30min on a rotation with French and music. The Shine staff teach all the indoor activity areas including indoor athletics, fitness, gymnastics, dance, seated volleyball and boccia. Children also receive a 40 minute lesson per week with their class teacher who delivers activity areas outside including orienteering, tag rugby, hockey, netball, basketball tennis, football, cricket, rounders and athletics.


As a trust, we aim to provide the children with many different opportunities to experience a range of sporting activities as well as raise awareness to the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Both schools offer a wide a variety of sporting after school clubs delivered both by external coaches and teachers.
Each year, every child takes part in a traditional sports day based around athletics which has proven to be very successful and something the children always look forward to. The Infant school and the Junior school both offer children the chance to compete against other schools. In the Junior school, we take part in many competitions that allow a wide range of abilities to represent the school in sport. Children who excel in PE may be selected to take part in events which are of a more competitive nature, with pupils who have may have had limited opportunity over the year given the chance to attend a local sports festival at the end of the year.