
Our leadership team are responsible for the day to day running of the schools and they are more than happy to hear your comments and suggestions.

Lorraine Wright Executive Headteacher

Inka Kemppainen-Vann Deputy Headteacher Infant School

Lee Daubney Deputy Headteacher Junior School

Lacey Flook Inclusion Lead (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator)

Our Staff Team

Staff structure

All staff can be contacted via the school office:

Elmlea Schools:

Recruitment – staff vacancies (include application forms and details of safe recruitment plus any policy relating to safer recruitment and disclosure)

All Elmlea Schools' vacancies are advertised on our trust website, through Eteach and local media where appropriate.
For full details of all of our vacancies, please click here.

The Board of Trustees is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, the trust staff must ensure that the highest priority is given to following the guidance and regulations to safeguard children and young people and follow our safer recruitment and disclosure policies. Elmlea Schools is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all and eliminating discrimination and harassment.

Application process
All job vacancies are managed via Eteach. This ensures all information is presented in the same way, so that applicants are treated equally and fairly. We do not accept CVs as part of the selection process.

Successful applicants will be required to undergo a number of employment checks including:
Eligibility to work in the UK: You will be required to complete a form showing you are eligible to work in the UK. You must have, or be able to obtain before you start, permission to work in the UK. Further information can be found on the UK Border Agency website

Criminal Convictions
You have the opportunity to disclose any previous, pending or outstanding convictions as part of the recruitment and pre-employment processes. Prior to the interview process commencing, if you are shortlisted, you will be asked to complete a self-disclosure document on arrival at the school on the interview day, which will be placed in a sealed envelope. If you are successfully appointed at the end of the interview process, this document will be reviewed by the Executive Headteacher and the Director of Finance and Operations. If there are disclosures and those require further explanation the school will organise a meeting to discuss, the outcome of which may affect any recruitment decision.
For posts that require a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) enhanced check, the trust will undertake a check for the successful applicant. If you have a criminal record, you are required to tell us about all ‘spent’ and ‘unspent’ cautions and convictions.
We ask that you also tell us about any police reprimands/cautions/warnings that may be revealed by the request of an enhanced disclosure from the DBS. If you are shortlisted, you will be asked to bring identification to the interview and, if appointed, you will be required to complete a DBS check at an enhanced level.

We will obtain references for the shortlisted applicants. All offers of employment are made subject to the receipt of two references, which we regard as satisfactory.
If the role you are applying for involves working with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults and if any of your previous roles (voluntary or paid) involved working with children, young people or vulnerable adults, we will ask for information about past disciplinary issues relating to these vulnerable groups (including any in which the time penalty is ‘time expired’) and whether you have been subject to any child/vulnerable adult protection concerns and the outcome of any enquiry or disciplinary procedure.

Our selection process is based on each individual’s own merits and abilities. The information provided in your application is evidence and used against the essential and desirable criteria required for the post. For more information on completing your supporting statement, please read the “completing your application” guidance.

If you are selected for interview, the admin team will contact you with the details of the interview and explain what you need to bring. Our selection processes normally consist of a full interview programme and for teacher and pupil facing support roles usually involves an opportunity to meet some other staff and pupils. For some roles you may be asked to take part in a written/practical/skills exercise. 

Pre employment checks: All offers of employment are made subject to pre-employment checks including a medical questionnaire and reference returns.

Robust procedures are in place to ensure that staff who have access to children, young people and vulnerable adults or access to sensitive information about children, young people and vulnerable adults are employed safely.