
At Elmlea children can choose to eat either a school dinner or a packed lunch.

The provider for the Infant and Junior schools is Aspens. A nutritionally, well balanced hot meal, vegetarian dish or salad bar with filled wrap or jacket potato is available daily. Aspens can also provide meals if children have an intolerance, an allergy, or require an alternative choice due to religious beliefs.

Parents use an online cashless system to pay Aspens securely via Paypal and order their child’s preferred menu choice in advance – these can be ordered as far as the loaded menus on the system allows (subject to payment to cover the cost, please note children registered to receive Free School Meals also use the system). If your child is absent from school, please note it is the parent’s responsibility to cancel the meal online by 8.30am on the day at the latest to avoid being charged.

Details of the portal including access and password arrangements are provided to all new children.

To log in to pay and/or order your child's Aspens meal, please click here

We are a nut free in both schools due to a number of children who suffer with serious allergies, please do not include any products in lunch boxes or snacks containing nuts, including peanut butter, Nutella or cereal bars. No sweets or fizzy drinks.
Parents should notify the school in writing of any food allergies and also complete the relevant catering company form.

Please only supply fresh fruit as a break time snack and avoid fruit snacks that are high in sugar.

Daily fresh fruit is provided to all school in the Infant School, this is provided through a government scheme.

Reception children up to the date of their 5th birthday are entitled to receive daily free milk. After their fifth birthday, if parents/carers wish their child to continue having milk on a daily basis they will need to deal directly with the dairy by setting up an account with them. Once they have you registered, and a payment has been made they will then email us to let us know that your child is having milk. They do this on a weekly basis each Monday. We will then let the class teacher know your child should be having milk.
Milk comes from School Milk Services please click on this link. School Milk Services You will need to set up your own account and should be able to book everything through there.  

Children should have a named water bottle in school every day.


Are You Entitled to Free School Meals?
Some children are entitled to free school meals, this may be because as a family you are claiming various government grants e.g. income support, job seekers allowance, child tax credit.

At Elmlea Infant School your child will be offered an infant free school meal that all children in England are eligible to receive in Reception, Year 1 and 2. If you think your child may be eligible for ongoing free school meals please check the information provided in the link below. It is important that you claim for free meals, not only for you, but also for the school as our funding increases if our number of free school meals rises. The school may also be able to get additional funding (called Pupil Premium) which it can use to support your child’s education. The knowledge of this entitlement is treated as confidential. If you have any doubts about this, the school needs your permission in order to apply for Pupil Premium, so please contact the school office and you will be advised and guided through the application process.

If you would like to find out about Free School Meals, please click here.

FREE SCHOOL MEALS APPLICATION: Free school meals and the pupil premium –

Every child registered for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium generates valuable income for the school. If you have any questions or would like to know more about Pupil Premium funding and how it is being used to benefit your child at Elmlea Infant or Elmlea Junior School, please speak to Lorraine Wright, Executive Headteacher.