We warmly welcome you to Elmlea Junior School, which is joined to Elmlea Infant School within the Russell Education trust. 

Most of the children in our Junior School have joined the Elmlea school family in the Infant school and it is a natural progression for them to join the Junior school in Year 3.

Our Junior School builds on the outstanding provision our children have already experienced in the Infant School prior to joining us. Transition between the schools is well planned and our children in Year 3 arrive confident and ready for all we have to offer in the Junior School.

Our Junior school consists of year groups from Year 3 to Year 6, with 3 classes in each year. Throughout their journey with us, our dedicated staff team offer curriculum opportunities that inspire, enthuse and extend children’s learning.

Our spacious leafy grounds and specialist facilities support our curriculum offer.

Throughout our school we foster attitudes together of kindness towards each other, curiosity to learn and make the most of every learning opportunity and courage to challenge ourselves and each other to achieve our very best.

If you would like to know more about our school, please contact us on info@elmleaschools.org.uk.

Lorraine Wright, Executive Headteacher