Science Skills and Knowledge Document
At Elmlea, our teaching of science allows children to learn about, explore and feel a
sense of awe
and wonder about the natural world. Our aim is to promote a positive image of science so that children
enjoy exploring and investigating the world around them, as well as developing skills and understanding.
We give children the opportunities to develop their scientific understanding through active ‘hands-on’
activities, building on children’s natural curiosity and using their interests and prior understanding
as our starting point. Above all, we encourage our children to be curious. Children are taught to ask
questions, develop ideas and find out answers through investigation and observation
and we make
fantastic use of our wonderful school grounds, which include several large wooded areas.
Implementation/Learning Journey
In Reception, scientific studies are included in the Early Years’ Curriculum as a core element of
Understanding the World. Through the learning outcomes in the EYFS, children are taught to comment and
ask questions about aspects of their familiar world and talk about some of the things they have
observed, such as plants, animals, natural and found objects. Children begin to explore ideas around
growth and talk about why things happen and how things work. Through simple investigations, we introduce
them to the skills, concepts and scientific vocabulary that they will go on to develop in KS1.
KS1, pupils are taught weekly, by their class teacher. Science is often linked to each term’s topic and
through the stories and books that we share. Science can also be taught discretely. Vocabulary is
introduced and reinforced through discussion and in displays. The children demonstrate their learning
through written work including drawings and annotations and oral explanations such as video clips.
KS2, pupils are taught weekly, by their class teacher. Lessons are organised into termly themes. In
every lesson, pupils acquire scientific knowledge through practical exploration. Progression in
scientific skills is acquired throughout the year. Pupils record new scientific vocabulary in their
books which they are encouraged to use in their independent written work and verbal explanations.
In addition to our curriculum lessons, pupils’ learning is enriched through our annual Science & Sustainability Week, where they have the opportunity to work as part of a team and to investigate science through a theme, e.g. our recent ‘Brilliant Boats’ theme. During this week, they are introduced to a range of STEM ambassadors who provide role models for STEM subjects and inspiration for potential future careers choices. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in the Royal Society Young Persons’ Book Judging which promotes the use of excellent quality STEM texts. Lesson plans, resources and activities are differentiated so that all pupils can access the science curriculum. Knowledge organisers are provided to SEND pupils who require prior teaching to enable them to access the curriculum.