Welcome to Year 1!
Now that your child is in Year 1, they are a part of Key Stage One (KS1) at Elmlea Infant School and will work towards transitioning out of the Early Years Curriculum during Term 1 into the National Curriculum. Throughout Year 1, your child will learn and take part in six exciting topics, each holding its own ‘WOW Event’.
A key focus of Year 1 is on developing your child’s ability to manage full days of structured learning through whole class teaching input followed by a variety of group tasks, practical tasks and independent activities. We aim to nurture this through encouraging and supporting children to become more independent whilst also allowing them to explore different resources and strategies that best support their learning.
Within our year group, there are 3 classes of 30 children.
A weekly typical timetable
Throughout the year, we have various curriculum weeks and whole school events that occur. Week-to-week, your child’s timetable may vary, but some key elements remain such as daily Little Wandle phonics, morning English and maths lessons. Alongside this, they will have sessions on guided reading using Little Wandle reading scheme, handwriting and Jigsaw PSHE.
In the afternoon, we focus on the wider curriculum and pride ourselves at Elmlea on giving your child a broad and balanced curriculum. Please visit our Curriculum pages for more information.
Year 1 PE days are on Monday and Tuesday.
Slides and resources from the KS1 Curriculum Evening 2024-25
KS1 Curriculum Information Evening 2024
Useful links
For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)
Things to remember each week
All Year 1 pupils need to remember to:
* Come to school wearing PE kits on their PE days
* Bring in their reading book and reading record each day, reading a book 3 times at home
* To complete weekly spellings linked to Little Wandle
* To bring in a water bottle and fruit or vegetable snack each day clearly labelled
* To ensure all school uniform and other items are clearly labelled with their full name.