Welcome to Year 3!
Now that your child is in Year 3, they are a part of the ‘Lower School’ at Elmlea. The primary focus of Year 3 is on settling as classes and as a year group. We ensure that the new routines and expectations are clearly understood so that the children can quickly feel part of the Junior School community. We aim to nurture this through encouraging the children to be independent and to take responsibility for their learning in school. Within our year group, there are 3 classes.
We have three overarching topics spread throughout the year. These topics mainly focus on Geography and History and in Year 3 they cover the Ancient Egyptians (Tomb Raider), Around the World (Learning about our planet, continents, countries and oceans) and They’re Coming (which focuses on invading armies of the UK over the past, including the Romans, Vikings and Saxons).
A weekly typical timetable
Throughout the year, we have various curriculum weeks and whole school events. Week-to-week, your child’s timetable may vary, but some key elements remain, such as daily morning English and maths lessons. Alongside this, they will have sessions on reading, spelling, grammar and handwriting.
In the afternoon, we focus on PSHE, Circle Time and the wider curriculum. We pride ourselves at Elmlea on giving your child a broad and balanced curriculum. Please visit our curriculum pages for more information.
PE days are on Tuesday and Thursday for Year 3 in 2024-25.
Things to remember each week
All Year 3 pupils need to remember to:
* Come to school wearing PE kits on their PE days.
* Bring in their reading book and to take it home at the end of each day.
* Submit their Reading Record by Monday.
* To complete weekly homework tasks by Thursday.
* To bring in a water bottle and small pencil case (to be kept in school bag)
* To ensure all school uniform and other items are clearly labelled with their full name.